Evolutions nominated for several RTS West awards 2023
Evolutions are delighted to announce that we have received nominations in the following categories at the Royal Television West of England Awards 2023:
Sound – Epic Adventures with Bertie Gregory (Wildstar Films) – Will Norie
Flying Future – Samantha Stafford
Several projects that we have worked on in the past year have also been nominated. Congratulations, and good luck to our clients on the below – it was a pleasure working with you!
Epic Adventures with Bertie Gregory - Wildstar Films (Natural History)
Britain's Secret War Babies - Wall to Wall West (Facutal)
Drain the Oceans - Mallinson Sadler Productions (Documentary)
The Dog House - Five Mile Films (Factual Entertainment and Features)
You, Me, Garden? - Drummer TV (Factual Entertainment and Features)
Sign2Win - Drummer TV (Factual Entertainment and Features)
Gym Stars - Drummer TV (Childrens)
Lloyd of The Flies - Aardman (Childrens)